What are account permissions?

Menu Permissions #

Menu permissions determine whether or not a user has permission to view/edit or delete menu within your account. Users with this permission set to ‘None’ won’t be able to view menu information at all

Styling Permissions #

Styling permissions refer to the ability to customize the visual appearance of account elements such as colours, fonts, layouts, and branding. Users with styling permissions can personalise the look and feel of the QR codes and menus.

Business Permissions #

Business permissions control the actions users can perform within the account related to business management. Users with these permissions can change allergy statements, pop-up customer message durations and custom messages shown to the customer. A fuller description of the functionality of the business management section can be found in the Business Management section of this documentation.

Account Management Permissions #

Account management permissions govern administrative tasks such as creating or managing user accounts, setting account preferences, configuring security settings, and managing billing information.

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