My Menus section overview

The My Menus section of Menu Guide is the dashboard of the system. All major menu manipulation operations can be made in this area.

The My Menus section is comprised of three tables:

Completed Menus Table #

This table contains all active/inactive menus which have been completed and published to our system that have not been deleted.

Find a complete list of functions available on the Completed Menus table.

Autosaved Menus Table #

This table contains autosaved menus – Autosaved menus are partial menus that were abandoned before completion (publishing). See Autosaving menus for more information on this.

Autosaved menus are available for up to two months.

Deleted Menus Table #

This table shows the last 100 deleted menus in date order. Deleted menus can be restored from this table back into the Completed Menus table. Linked tables cannot be restored.

Searching for menus #

The Completed menus table can be searched. To search for a menu, type in the text box above the menu tables. Click the X to reset the table view.

Menu Statistics #

The menu statistics section shows information about the account you are working with. It shows the following information:

  1. The total number of menus created (excluding deleted menus).
  2. The menus that are currently active (visible to your customers).
  3. The number of active menus available to your account plan. This is calculated by your monthly menu allowance (limit) minus active menus.
  4. The total number of short links created on your account.
  5. The number of active short links (links that have menus currently active on them).
  6. The number of remaining links available to you on your account plan – calculated by your short link allowance(limit) minus links already assigned to your account.

My Menus section overview video #

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